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                Acceptance-a person’s assent to the reality of a situation. Recognizing a process or condition without attempting to change or protest it

I still protest!

I’ll never accept it. I’ll never get over this. As I come to terms with this horrifying event, I begin to come to know the difference between the two. I cannot accept this is not true, for life forces me to face reality. And if I do not accept it, then she is still here and that is just not so.

But I will never get over her. I know this because I will never forget her. She told me not too. I told her I could never forget my baby. There will never be a time when I innocently recall a memory of her when I will not be devastated by the fact that she is not here. When these memories come, I either get the unbelievable look or the tears come to my eyes.

When she would call, when she still had the strength to,

When I knew not to ask her, in between calls,

Why she wasn’t calling more

I knew I was dealing with the spiritual and the natural

That there would be a time when I could no longer speak to

Or touch her physically but she would always be there spiritually

And I would have to wait until we meet again

No, I am not this daily blithering, perpetual, ooh here she comes, run!!!, crying type of individual. But I do have to say I am human and have gone through many tangents. Depression is real and I could not act as though everything was alright. Whereas I had to trudge forward, which is rough walking, I have to say that I trudge a little lighter now. Every time I turn on my computer, her face comes up in my pictures. It is usually the 3rd one. I wait for it. I be glad to see her. I miss her. Everyday.

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Acceptance-a person’s assent to the reality of a situation. Recognizing a process or condition without attempting to change or protest it

I still protest!

I’ll never accept it. I’ll never get over this. As I come to terms with this horrifying event, I begin to come to know the difference between the two. I cannot accept this is not true, for life forces me to face reality. And if I do not accept it, then she is still here and that is just not so.

But I will never get over her. I know this because I will never forget her. She told me not too. I told her I could never forget my baby. There will never be a time when I innocently recall a memory of her when I will not be devastated by the fact that she is not here. When these memories come, I either get the unbelievable look or the tears come to my eyes.

When she would call, when she still had the strength to,

When I knew not to ask her, in between calls,

Why she wasn’t calling more

I knew I was dealing with the spiritual and the natural

That there would be a time when I could no longer speak to

Or touch her physically but she would always be there spiritually

And I would have to wait until we meet again

No, I am not this daily blithering, perpetual, ooh here she comes, run!!!, crying type of individual. But I do have to say I am human and have gone through many tangents. Depression is real and I could not act as though everything was alright. Whereas I had to trudge forward, which is rough walking, I have to say that I trudge a little lighter now. Every time I turn on my computer, her face comes up in my pictures. It is usually the 3rd one. I wait for it. I be glad to see her. I miss her. Everyday.